The members of the MITOS Group are divided into regular, non-regular, honorary and auxiliary.
Regular Members
Regular members have professional expertise and expertise related to the purposes of the Group so that they contribute to the achievement of its goals. For their registration, a written application of the interested doctor is required, accompanied by the unconditional acceptance of the terms and regulations of the Group statutory. Regular members, once they have fulfilled their financial obligations, have the right to participate in the company’s General meetings, where they can submit proposals, comments, observations and opinions. They have the right to elect and be elected to the company council.
The registration for regular members requires:
- Certified copy of the license to practice medical profession
- Certified copy of the special license to perform musculoskeletal ultrasounds from the K.E.S.Y. or Certification of competence on behalf of the competent organizations (ACR RhMSUS, EULAR Level 2, EFSUMB Level 3)
- Written invitation from two partners
- Decision of the General Assembly (which is convened exceptionally for this purpose) and decides by a three-quarters majority
Non-regular Members
Non-regular members have professional expertise and expertise related to the purposes of the MITOS Group, so that they contribute to the achievement of its objectives. For their registration, a written application of the interested doctor is required, accompanied by the unconditional acceptance of the terms and regulations of the Group statutory. The Non-regular members, once they have fulfilled their financial obligations, have the right to participate in the General Meetings of the Group, where they can take submit proposals, comments, observations and opinions, but without having nither the right to vote, nor the right to elect and be elected in the company’s Council. Additionally, they are not included in the quorum of the General Assembly and they cannot participate in the management and representation of the company.
The registration requirements for non-ordinary members are the following:
- Certified copy of the license to practice medical profession
- Certified copy of the special license to perform musculoskeletal ultrasounds from the K.E.S.Y. or
- the Certification of competence by the competent Organizations (ACR RhMSUS, EULAR Level 2, EFSUMB Level 3)
- Written invitation from two partners
- Decision of the General Assembly (which is convened exceptionally for this purpose) and decides by a three-quarters majority
Non-ordinary members can become Regular Members:
a) After a decision of an increased majority of 4/5 of the regular members,
b) If they have already been extraordinary members for 2 years,
c) If they have settled their annual fees and
d) have shown zeal for promoting the purposes of the Group.
Honorary Members
According to a decision of the General Assembly, as Honorary members, may be declared natural or legal persons, from Greece and abroad, who can offer or have already offered useful services and can contribute decisively to the achievement of the Group goals. Honorary members cannot have any kind of participation in the administration, representation and management of the company.
Auxiliary members
The MITOS Group can develop partnerships with individuals or institutions from Greece and abroad, who can participate in the implementation of its purposes and programs. Auxiliary members cannot have any kind of participation in the management, representation and management of the Group.