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9th MITOS International MSUS Course 2023


Click 9th MITOS_Program.pdf to view the program

On December 01-03, 2022, the Mitos Group organized the 8th Musculoskeletal Sonography Course – Basic & Intermediate Levels. Tthe theoretical and practical content of the Seminar wasn’t focused exclusively on Rheumatic diseases, thus providing a huge interest for fellow Orthopaedists, Physiotherapists, Sports Therapists as well as doctors of all specialties dealing with diseases of the Musculoskeletal System.

The Official co-organizer was once again the University of Belgrade (Medical School – Institute of Rheumatology) providing undivided scientific support to this event.

The Course had been included in the official EULAR Calendar and held the auspices of the Greek Rheumatology Society and Professional Association of Greek Rheumatologists